We’ve created this page to show the progress of the project by “Timeline” of the main Key Milestones. From approval to proceed through to the target outcomes of a successful referendum and the “Making of the Plan”. There has been much work between milestones of community engagement, general publicity and meetings with interested individuals and groups.
The Blackrod Neighbourhood Plan was MADE today by Bolton Council
Referendum result: Residents voting YES = 1595, Residents voting NO = 145.
Blackrod Neighbourhood Plan “Notice of Referendum”, Referendum Date: Thursday 6th May 2021.
A Referendum relating to the Blackrod Neighbourhood Plan will be held on Thursday 6th May 2021.
Blackrod Neighbourhood Plan final version for Referendum VIEW DOCUMENT HERE: Blackrod-Neighbourhood-Plan-for-Referendum-V5-Feb-2020.pdf
Bolton Council approved the Neighbourhood Plan to proceed to Referendum at their full council meeting held on the 22nd January 2020.
Blackrod Town Council received the report from the Independent Examiner advising the changes required to be made to the Plan.
Blackrod Town Council submit the proposed Neighbourhood Plan to Bolton Council for 6 weeks publicity
Blackrod Town Council approved the submission of the proposed Neighbourhood Plan to Bolton Council
Residents and Consultees review of the Draft Neighbourhood Plan, 7th December 2018 to 18th January 2019
Blackrod Town Council approved the Draft Neighbourhood Plan
Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) and Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA), Screening report, Statement of Reasons.
All Blackrod residents invited to a Public Meeting on Tuesday 28th February at 6.30 pm in the Community Centre.
1st one day Workshop with consultants and full Steering Group.
Orders raised for consultancy support and for commissioning of the website.
Flyer design and “brand” image agreed by Steering Group for publicity in raising community and residents awareness of the project.
1st meeting held of the Community Steering Group. Chair and Treasurer appointed. Terms of Reference and Code of Conduct agreed.
Draft Terms of Reference and Code of Conduct issued to Steering Group members.
Project Planner submitted with successful Grant application – VIEW DOCUMENT HERE: blackrod-neighbourhood-plan-project-planner.pdf
Received news from Locality that grant application has been successful.
Official confirmation received of Bolton Councils approval of the Blackrod Designated Area.
Submitted online application to Locality for Grant support.
The 6 weeks public consultation period on the Designated Area completed with no objections received.
Bolton Council notification of their approval to publicise Designated Area and commencement of the 6 weeks public consultation period with closing date for comments of 20th June 2016.
Blackrod Council formally applied to Bolton Council for Designated Neighbourhood Plan Area for Blackrod parish.